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Treffer 31 - 40 von 156

Bühler, Walter K.
UFO abduction at Mirassol : a biogenetic experiment / by Walter K. Bühler ; Guilherme Pereira ; Ney Matiel Pires. Transl. from Portugese by Wendelle C. Stevens. - Tucson, Ariz. : UFO Photo Archives, 1985. - 416 S.; (engl.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Cailliet, Emile
Why we oppose the occult / by Emile Cailliet. Transl. by George Franklin Cole. - Philadelphia, Penn. : Univ. of Pennsilvania Pr., 1931. - 200 S.; (engl.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Casellato, Rodolfo R.
UFO abduction at Botucatu / by Rodolfo R. Casellato ; Joao Valerio da Silva ; Wendelle C. Stevens. - Tucson, Ariz. : UFO Photo Archives, 1985. - 222 S. : Ill.; (engl.) Transl. from Portug.
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Castiglioni, Arturo
Adventures of the mind / by Arturo Castiglioni. Transl. from the Italian by V. Gianturco. - New York, NY : Knopf, 1946. - XVIII, 428, V S. : Ill.; (engl.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Cazenave, Michel
Science and consciousness : 2 views of the universe / ed. by par Michel Cazenave. Transl. by A. Hall and E. Callander. - Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1984. - XVI, 423 S. : graph. Darst.; (franz.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Chauvin, Rémy
Parapsychology : when the irrational rejoins science / by Rémy Chauvin. Transl. by Katharine M. Banham. - Jefferson, NC : McFarland, 1985. - XI, 164 S.; (engl.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Chevreuil, Leon
Proofs of the spirit world / by L. Chevreuil. Transl. by Agnes Kendrick Gray. - New York, NY : Dutton, 1920. - V, 297 S.; (engl.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Chu, Wen K.
The astrology of I Ching / transl. from the "Ho Map Lo Map rational number" manuscript by W. K. Chu. Ed. and commentaries added by W. A. Sherrill. - New York, NY : Weiser, 1976. - IX, 443 S.; (engl.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Ciruelo, Pedro
[A treatise reproving all superstitions and forms of witchcraft] Pedro Ciruelo's a treatise reproving all superstitions and forms of witchcraft : very necessary and useful for all good christians zealous for their salvation / annotated and with an introd. by D'Orsay W. Pearson. Transl. by E. A. Maio and D'Orsay W. Pearson. - Rutherford : Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1977. - 366 S.; (engl.)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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Crowley, Aleister
The Tao Teh King : liber CLVII / a new transl. by Ko Yuen (Aleister Crowley). - Dublin, Calif. : Thelema Publ., 1976. - [7] Bl., LXXXI S.; (engl.) (The equinox / Aleister Crowley ; 3.1919/75,8)
Preis und Lieferbarkeit: nn.
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