Deutsch: Interessante sirianische Botschaften zum momentanen Weltgeschehen - äußerst ermutigend
Sehr ermutigende und auch tiefgründige Texte finden sich in Form sirianischer Botschaften
als deutsche Übersetzungen auf der Seite:
Die Originalwebseiten dieser Texte sind auf (deutsch) und auf (englisch) zu finden.
English: Interesting Sirian messages according to the world events - very encouraging
Very encouraging texts of some depth you can find as Sirian messages at (english).
The book about the first contact with the Sirian extraterrestrial culture:
(click on picture to order)
Since childhood, Sheldan Nidle (author of the
bestselling, “You Are Becoming a Galactic Human”)
has had access to vital information regarding Earth’s
hidden history and amazing data on extraterrestrial
science, culture and spirituality. Now, as the End
Times for great changes approach, he is able to
share this new knowledge with you for the first time.
“Your First Contact” will take you on an amazing
journey into Earth’s past, present and future. It will
give you a comprehensive overview of your off-world
origins, your true purpose and your spiritual destiny.
In these pages, you will discover:
- How your First Contact will actually occur
Why your RNA/DNA is changing from 2 strands
to 12
- What role Star Beings play in your evolution
- How Earth and the solar system will evolve
- Why your ascension into a fifth-dimensional
being is at hand
“Your First Contact” describes where we came from,
why we’re here, and where we are going in this vast
experiment in consciousness. Join our Sirian tour
guides for the ultimate E-ticket ride of your life.
Augen außerirdischer Rassen und ihre Psycho-Physiognomik - Eyes
of Extraterrestrials and their characterization
Außerirdische Rassen, ETs, Extraterrestrische Rassen, Extraterrestrials
Centara Home Page
PAO-Web international
PAO-Web deutsch
Overview: Extraterrestrial races
A lot of information about Venusians
Deutsche Seite: Außerirdische Rassen Typen
Alien Encyclopedia
Mystical Encyclopedia
Men in black: The alien encyclopedia
Study of extraterrestrial life and answers from beyond
Alien types
Alien races
Whitley Strieber´s world
Außerirdische Musik-Universalhits (besonders beliebt auf den Plejaden)
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Andreas Bunkahle
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