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A phantastic book which speaks to the heart
This book has already been available in Russian, German, French and other east European languages
for some time. But it´s fascinating to see how this book in any translation affects the
hearts of the readers. Marvellous...
It has to do with a young, pretty woman named Anastasiya who lived her whole life in the
Siberian Taiga and who lives according to simple laws of nature and who has never been in
human civilization or in big cities for a long time. But she seems to be wiser than most
of the civilized people. Some people believe that Anastasiya or Anastasia is only a legend but
Anastasiya is supposed to have said: I exist for those for whom I exist.
Many people who read books by Vladimir Megre about
her suddenly get inspired to do good and as much as one sixth of the readers start writing poems.
Anstasia changes their lives.
If you read this book with its exceptional contents you wonder: It sounds so incredible but
still - what would be if it would be true? It would would not only bring solutions to the
people but it would also bring real release.
The books of Vladimir Megre about the Sibirian Taiga affect one very deeply in the heart.
They affect so deeply that many readers completely change their lives and align them completely
new. These books have an almost magic impact and influence the readers in a very unusual
way which does not eliminate the mind but bring deep levels of the soul to vibration. They
activate the valuable heart qualities of humans.
Anastasia lives in the Sibirian Taiga like the people from the old sources. She lives alone
in nature by the laws of nature but has a wisdom which seems to be unlimited. She herself has
found a possibility to provide this knowledge and to enable healing for every person with
an astoundingly simple solution and at the same time to get in contact with their natural and
spiritual roots.
The author W. Megre has met Anastasya on a journey to the Taiga and this encounter has
not only changed his life but the life of many people in a very positive way. There are
real Anastasia clubs which are engaged in protection of the environment, planting,
use of healing herbs, child education, etc. Many people who have read the books of
Vladimir Megre about her are suddenly inspired to do good and a part of the readers starts
to write poems. Anastasia really changes their lives from the bottom on.
The biggest miracle of this book are not the persons or the stories which are described in it
but the depth of feelings which this book releases at the reader. There are only a few books
in the world which can speak to the deepest levels of people how the Anastsia books do this.
How can be read in the second volume some people believe that Anastasia is only a legend.
If Anastasia exists or not can be found quite easily by reading the books: Does your heart
start to speak to you or not? No worldy authority can find the answer to this question -
only the reader can tell if Anastasia begins to live in himself or in herself or not.
What is this book all about?
When the author Wladimir Megre was starting a business trip on a Siberian river he couldn´t
know that so many strange events would be awaiting for him which would change his life and the
life of many people. In a remote village in the Taiga he met a woman who has a God-given talent
of complete natural being and who knows the biggest secrets of being on earth.
In spite of her talents she has stayed a human being, a woman with her feelings, wishes
and longings. The way to physical and mental health is not very complicated or only to
be managed in a difficult manner but can be realized in a very simple way for everybody.
Vladimir can not comprehend the many things which he gets to know in the first place
but more and more he realizes that the encounter with this woman brings something into a roll
which is very healthy for him and others.
The English book
Covers of the English and the Russian books |
Megre, Vladimir
ANASTASIA in english translation
I exist for those, for whom I exist
Book 1, translated from the Russian by John Woodsworth, edited by Leonid Sharashkin, Ringing Cedars Press, 2005, Columbia, Missouri, USA
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I would like to order this book from you (Germany).

Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 2 |
Megre, Vladimir
The Ringing Cedars of Russia
Book 2, translated from the Russian by John Woodsworth, edited by Leonid Sharashkin, Ringing Cedars Press, 2005, Columbia, Missouri, USA
In the second volume Vladimir Megre describes his experiences with the publishing of the
first volume and tells new episodes about the events in the Taiga with
Anastasia and her grandparents. What the meaning of the dolmen and the celts is, what
bards are and he reports how the logo of the ringing cedars for the books came into existence and how the
dark side of power tried to get control of the work of Anastasia. And that by people
calling themselves spiritual people...
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Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 3 |
Megre, Vladimir: Space of love
Book 3, translated from the Russian by John Woodsworth, edited by Leonid Sharashkin, Ringing Cedars Press, 2005, Columbia, Missouri, USA
Not only light powers are attracted by the books of Wladimir Megre. The
third volume "Space of love" starts with the notice that a group of robbers
tried to hijack Anastasia and her son. In this book the reader gets to know
many interesting things about Anastasia´s education and the role of nature,
about the space of love and about her further fate. This book also deals about
a completely new school, the forest school of the academic Michail Petrowitsch
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Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 4 |
Megre, Vladimir
Book 4, translated from the Russian by John Woodsworth, edited by Leonid Sharashkin, Ringing Cedars Press, 2006, New York, USA
This book is exceptional poetic. Anastasia tells about the origin of the universe - of
being - of love. She enthusiastically speaks of the appearance of man - of Adam and Eve.
But the book reports more than that. Highly interesting narrations of past and future of
our earth intertwine each other. Incredible sounds the story of a visit of Anastasia and
Vladimir at another planet where strange people live.
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I would like to order this book from you (Germany).

Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 5 |
Megre, Vladimir
Who are we?
Book 5, translated from the Russian by John Woodsworth, edited by Leonid Sharashkin,
Ringing Cedars Press, 2006, Paia, Hawaii, USA
In this book something is told about the future of Russia and the future of the whole
mankind. Vladimir Megre sees surprising and most joyful images as Anastasiya takes
him on a immaterial journey of his soul into the future. And the secret of this future
seems to lie in the hands of ... exceptional children and in the hands of many women
who are influencing their men gently but firmly. And events are described as Megre went
to Cyprus in 1999 where he wrote his fourth volume "Co-Creation" and where he met
the granddaughter of the Goddess Aphrodite...
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I would like to order this book from you (Germany).

Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 6 |
Megre, Vladimir
The Book of Kin
(This book is not available yet in English)
Quite sober the book starts with a talk to a children´s psychologist. Megre hopes to
find some help here before he first meets his five-year old son Wolodja. The talk quickly becomes
one of the deepest dialogues about partnership, sexuality and creation. Megre then
describes his first encounter with his son which is going be vice versa to what he had
imagined before. This encounter is surprising and thrilling for the reader - because Wolodja
is so very natural. All false things are uncovered easily - very much to the frustration of
his father. Very touching is the scene as the grand-grandfather of Anastasiya is deceasing
and his family and especially Wolodja is giving a frame to the event which lets the reader
get an idea what conscious living and dying can mean. Anastasia describes in detail the life
of her ancestors and what kind of paradise-like circumstances had been in those times - also
as a expectation and vision for our future. But it also deals with collective backgrounds of
nowadays people and the role of the top priest and the priesthood who set up the puppet
show for the development of mankind. Last but not least there is the recommendation to
the reader to write his own "Book of Kin" or "Book of the Ancestors" for his
children and descendants.
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Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 7 |
Megre, Vladimir
Energy of Life
(This book is not available yet in English)
In this volume "Energy of Life" the energy of life is dealt with. A very profound
energy of life is the energy of the right thinking and wanting. How do you marry in
a very short time an English Lord? Or how can a wife become a Goddess?
And what is this all about the speed of thoughts?
And why should one eat like one breathes - which is the best nutrition at all?
And again there are marvellous stories which touch deeply the soul. So we get to know
more about the blue ball and a surprising talk which Anastasiya has with the blue ball after
her fights with counter-powers. We get to know more about the old vedrussian civilization and how
the effortless stood against the attacks of the Romans - how 90 young vedrussian men dealt with
a Roman Elite army of 5000 soldiers and convinced them about the nonsense of their goals. Yes, it just
needed just two little arguing vedrussion children and some bees to make the Romans flee.
How the orphan Sonya creates with all her power a paradise and why nobody breaks out of prisons in future
but breaks IN. Light will be shed on profound contexts.
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Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 8 part 1 |
Megre, Vladimir
The New Civilization Part 1
(This book is not available yet in English)
Surprising things are reported from Megre´s son Wolodja, not only that he seems
to be profound expert on herbs but he has also a certain wish: A little sister...
(and indeed he does something for it...)
Amusing, humourous and touching at the same time as Anastasia makes herself so
beautiful for her lover so that he is so delighted that he faints. As he awakes
he can enjoy the Goddess in a common play of creation but he has no words to
describe it.....
The story of the billionaire might be a deeply heart-touching vision which could
become one for the American nation and ignite and carry the idea of the family farms.
But we find also practical and useful hints for nutrition or concrete suggestions
for the law-making. An in-depth political description of the current situation
is also included.
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Covers of the English and the Russian books Volume 8 part 2 |
Megre, Vladimir
RITES OF LOVE - The New Civilization Part 2
(This book is not available yet in English)
contrasts today's mainstream attitudes to sex, family, childbirth and education
with our forebears' lifestyle, which reflected their deep spiritual
understanding of the significance of conception, pregnancy, homebirth and
upbringing of the young in an atmosphere of love. In powerful poetic
prose Megre describes their ancient way of life, grounded in love and
non-violence, and shows the practicability of this same approach today.
Through the life-story of one family, he portrays the radiant world of
the ancient Russian Vedic civilisation, the drama of its destruction
and its re-birth millennia later -- in our present time.
Order it from Amazon.com in the USA
Order it from Amazon.co.uk in England
I would like to order this book from you (Germany).
Sibirian Cedar wood products
Who now has read the books and has become an inner and enthusiastic follower of this wisdom
can also order certain original cedar products manufactured according to. These products have the healing
powers how described in the first book but they are not from a ringing cedars.
See the possibilities to order books and products from below.
Order of the books and cedar woods
If you just want to order only one or two products and if you might want to pay via paypal
you can just click the order buttons below. If you have a larger order consider using the
online shop for books or cedar products or both.
They will be shipped from Germany.
V. Megre: Anastasia Volume 1 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
Currently not available...
V. Megre: Anastasia - The Ringing Cedars of Russia Volume 2 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
V. Megre: Anastasia - The Space of Love Volume 3 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
V. Megre: Anastasia - Co-Creation Volume 4 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
V. Megre: Anastasia - Who are we? Volume 5 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
V. Megre: Anastasia - The book of Kin Volume 6 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
V. Megre: Anastasia - The energy of life Volume 7 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
V. Megre: Anastasia - The new civilization Volume 8.1 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
V. Megre: Anastasia - Rites of love Volume 8.2 19,90 Euro incl. surface shipping worldwide |
Cedar Wood 8,00 Euro incl. airmail shipping worldwide |
Cedar Oil, 100g 42,00 Euro incl. airmail shipping worldwide |
Cedar Nuts, 500g 42,00 Euro incl. airmail shipping worldwide |
Author reading in Germany with Wladimir Megre
In January 2001 Vladimir Megre came to Germany to meet himself with all Anastasia friends.
The meeting took place on the 6th of January 2001 in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse.
Short report from the event:
Maybe 300-400 people were attending the meeting, on the main part German Russians since many
people spoke Russian and the questions from the audience were mainly (90%) in Russian language.
Vladimir Megre made a quite authentic impression on me. He answered the questions with humour,
but was not superficial and sometimes he gave answers on questions which had been posed indirectly.
At the beginning of the event Megre pointed out that the own activity of the readers is essential
- the reading of the books is nice but much too often one could tend to admire a guru but to forget
about his own live at the same time. This could also happen very easily with Anastasía (the name
is pronounced in Russian language Anastaseeya - the letters A inside are pronounced like the u
in bus)
Futhermore he pointed out a project of orphants whom former Russian officers had given
land cells as a gift to plant and harvest on them. He expressed his hope that land could
be acquired by private people in the future and could be donated to them so that the idea
of planting and self-healing could become reality. He found it difficult to have plant
crossings since this is the first step to cloning.
He also announced that there is an online message board on the official Anastasia website
at http://www.anastasia.ru.
Private people who like to have such landmarks and to plant on them according to the
method of Anastasia could promote and sell their products without central control directly to
the people via this message board. There can also be an exchange of thoughts and contact
addresses. (on this website there is now also such a message board in German and English
language what could fulfill the same purpose: http://www.bunkahle.com/Anastasia/config.cgi.
Furthermore there is a Russian magazine called "The Sibirian Cedars of Russia", which publishes
the good news of the world which are not or only little mentioned in the standard press. (He asked
if the press in the western countries is free and believed that it is not so).
There is a Russian documentation movie about Anastasia in two parts but this movie
has not been showed yet and Anastasia doesn´t appear in the movie, too.
Questions of education were discussed and the famous school in the fourth Anastasia book
"Creation" was mentioned.
In this book Anastasia tells something about the creation and these narrations lead to the
change that Megre didn´t imagine God as an old man on a throne with a long white beard, but
as a young, active, firy man who is creative. Many people always beg: "God, give us, give me." but
God cannot give anything since he is the maximum and has given everything at once.
He said that the education of children is questionable if one doesn´t know who is
educating the educator. Megre said that every woman is a Goddess and recommended concerning
the theme of children and births that there should be a perspective for the own children.
Women reject births mostly not because of the restricted freedom but because the
perspective is missing for them. He gave expression to his hope that hopefully all
attending women in the audience would have or find such a perspective and have at least
two children in their life. There was also the question of nursing and the importance of
nursing: When a mother feeds her child with her milk the mother should project her
undivided attention onto the child, free herself from all negative emotions, not speak
at the same time and think about the future of the child.
The power and the potential of the human thought was emphasized and that all what exists
has come into existence by thoughts. Anastasia speaks in sense-images and these sense-images
open theirselves gradually inside the soul. Anastasia is not liked very much at the powers
and circles who try to express the opinion that the end of the world is near. She also
had expressed the thought: "I abolish the hell which the people have prepared theirselves."
To the question of vegetarism Megre said that it is not difficult for him not to eat meat in the Taiga
when being with Anastasia since the environment simply invites to do so while being here in
Germany one almost has no other desires than eating meat.
The Anastasia books are available right now in 13 languages (Russian, Baltic languages,
German, French, Macedonic, Italian, Polish, Czech, etc.)
The 23rd July is not the official holiday of the earth in Russia yet but this does not
hinder people which like Anastasia to have such a holiday for themselves on this day.
It can be a feast without an official approval.
All books and cedar woods can be ordered here.
Anastasia is a people´s movement in St.Petersburg
The logo of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" in Russian and English.
Obviously people have been inspired by reading this book to a lot of activities in Russia and in other
countries. Some areas of activity are: Study and teaching of human knowledge, human fate, search for
harmony with the environment, child education and protection of the environment.
The activity circles promote the books of Vladimir Megre, they organize reader meetings, concerts,
plantings in cities and suburbs. In other languages more of the following volumes have
already been translated. The work of V. Megre is supposed to be nine volumes in the end when all planned books
will be written in the future. They cooperate with the Rerikh movement "Nature and us". Current
projects are plantings of cedars, oaks and other trees in St. Petersburg and its suburbs. Moreover
there is a contemplation on the deeper, spiritual roots of the celtic ancestors and the search for
their wisdom, art of living and knowledge.
The data of the original publisher:
Website of the Russian publisher:
Vladimir Megre: Anastasia
dylia@comset.net and dyliamos2001@mail.ru
Website of the Russian publisher: http://www.dilya.ru
Contact: Moscow: +7-95-261 73 96, St. Petersburg: +7-812-314 05 61
Website of the English/American publisher: http://www.ringingcedars.com
According to Anastasia, special combinations of letters and words are inserted into text,
which influence a man beneficially. You can feel these influences while reading it, when your
hearing is not disturbed by sounds produced by artificial thinks and
mechanisms. Natural sounds like: the singing of birds, the sound of rain, the rustling
of leaves in the trees help to produce positive influences.

Volume 1 Anastasia by Wladimir Megre:
Anastasia lives in the woods entirely alone. She has no house, wears almost no clothes
and doesn’t keep any supplies of food. She is a descendent of people who lived in these
parts for centuries and it is like another civilization. Anastasia was born here and
is an integral part of Nature.
“And you never went hungry?” I asked. In answer, she clicked her fingers and a squirrel
instantly appeared and jumped on her hand. Anastasia brought the head of the squirrel
up to her mouth and the squirrel gave her a cedar nut right out of its mouth.
All new internet links about Anastasia, Vladimir Megre and related topics of gardening, ecology,
megalitha, cedar wood products and books you find now at the Anastasia main page.
NEW: A Space of Love - Anastasia: New Heroine of the Russias (english article) by Kostya Kovalenko
NEW: Image collection from www.anastasia.ru
Anastasia Online bulletin board in German and English
Official Russian Anastasia website http://www.anastasia.ru
Russian Dolmen page in English
Another Russian Dolmen page in Russian
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