The hidden side of Medjugorje / by Ivo Sivric. Transl. by Suzanne M. Rini Band: 1 A theologian's observation. - 1989; (engl.)
The rain of wisdom : the essence of the ocean of true meaning / transl. by the Nalanda Translation Committee under the direction of Chögyam Trunga. - Boulder, Colo. : Shambhala, 1980. - XXIII, 384 S.; (engl.)
Abraham Ben-Simeon The book of the sacred magic of Abra-Melin the mage : as delivered / by Abraham the jew. Transl. from the original Hebrew by S. L. Mac Gregor- Mathers. - 3. impr.. - Wellingborough : Aquarian, 1980. - XLVIII, 268 S. : Ill.; (engl.) Aus d. Franz. übers.
Abu-Ma´sar Ga´far Ibn-Muhammad Ibn-´Umar al-Balhi The abbreviation of the introduction to astrology : together with the medieval Latin translation of Adelard of Bath / Abu Ma´sar. Ed. and transl. by Charles Burnett .... - Leiden ; New York ; Köln : Brill, 1994. - VIII, 170 S.; (arab., engl., lat.) (Islamic philosophy, theology, and science ; 15) Text arab. in arab. Schr., engl. und lat. >> p.Abu Maschar / t.Muhtasar al-Mudhal 90-04-09997-2
Agerskov, Michael Toward the light : a message to mankind from the transcendental world / ed. by Michael Agerskov. [Transl. from the Danish by Kai Prior]. - 5th printing. - Copenhagen : "Vandrer mod Lyset's Forlag", 1975. - XIII, 317 S.; (engl.) Erstmals 1920 veröff. - ISBN in Vorlage falsch 87-980350-45f
Agerskov, Michael Wander towards the light! : a message to mankind from the super-sensual world / ed. by Michael Agerskov. [Transl. from the Danish by Inger Agerskov ...]. - Copenhagen : Hansen, 1950. - 351 S.; (engl.)
Albertus <Frater> Praxis spagyrica philosophica : or plain and honest direction on how to make the stone ; transl. into Engl. from the original German, first publ. in Leipzig anno 1711 / by Anonymous. With a commentary by Frater Albertus. - Salt Lake City, Utah : Paracelsus Research Soc., 1966. - 96 S. : Ill. Mutmaßl. Verf.: David Fleischer. - Erstausg. u.d.T.: Praxis spagyrica philosophica lapidis philosophorum. - Enth. das Faks. des dt. Originals u. die engl. Übers. auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten. - Limitierte Ausg. von 500 Ex.